Monday, December 9, 2019


Here are the highlights of the case. Zimmermann is also a co-director and co-shareholder of Simulate. The Panel does not believe that Complainants were sufficiently candid in their Complaint. As respects to the decision to name the product AirwaySim in December , the site states: Accordingly, the Panel concludes that Complainants have failed to satisfy Policy paragraph 4 a ii and this Complaint must be denied. On this record, and under the principles set forth under the Policy, the Panel concludes that Respondent registered the Domain Name in connection with a bona fide offering of goods or services within the meaning of Policy paragraph 4 c i. Respondent registered the Domain Name on or about March 23, efzed airline

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As respects to the decision to name the product AirwaySim in Decemberthe site states: All this to prevent the Internet is a threat to humanity and use it correctly. The Panel concludes, based on this record, that Respondent more likely than not registered the Domain Name for the innocuous purpose of attracting Internet visitors through the descriptive use of words likely to garner interest in an airline simulation game which one plays online.

Don't subscribe All Replies to my comments Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Listing domains, products, or services will aiirline the comment deleted We reserve the right to remove comments if we deem it necessary. The Airlihe must decide the case based on the materials presented by the parties, and there is no opportunity to test the allegations and selective evidence through discovery, cross-examination, and the like.

Please follow these simple rules: Michael is also the co-founder of Worldwide Media Inc. Notify airljne of new posts by email.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Complainants bear the burden of establishing that Respondent lacks rights or legitimate interests in the Domain Name. Whether Complainants can make out a viable trademark or unfair competition claim in some court of law somewhere is not for this Panel to determine.

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Accordingly, the Panel concludes that Complainants have failed to satisfy Policy paragraph 4 a ii and this Complaint must be denied. Comments This is what all domainers or domain business deserve: This is what efzex domainers or domain business deserve: The Panel does not believe that Complainants were sufficiently candid in their Complaint. Sami Puro is one of the co-owners, who swore an affidavit in this proceeding.

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You can also subscribe without commenting. Complainants attach a series of invoices to various clients, the earliest of which is dated November 8, Complainants have failed to do so.

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Here are the highlights of the case. Zimmermann is also a co-director and co-shareholder of Simulate. On this record, and under the principles set forth under the Policy, the Panel concludes that Respondent registered the Domain Name in connection with a bona fide offering of goods or services within the meaning of Policy paragraph 4 c i.

Michael was also one of the 5 Judges selected for the the Verisign 30th Anniversary.

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Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Respondent was formed as a Finland company in to provide IT consulting, primarily for the aviation sector. Complainants operate websites at various online addresses, including airlinesimulation.

As respects to the decision to name the product AirwaySim in Decemberthe site states:. Respondent registered the Domain Name on or about March 23, In a court exercising equitable jurisdiction, Complainants would have been tossed out on their ear because of their unclean hands. Stay on topic Refrain from personal attacks Avoid profanity Links should be related to the topic of the post No spamming.

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