Sunday, December 8, 2019


Additional information For release notes for managed endpoint software, follow these links: Enterprise Console policy setup guide. Protecting your data, wherever it goes. Database queries have been optimized to improve the response. This situation may arise where identically-named computers are situated on different domains or sub-domains. Some cookies on this site are essential, and the site won't work as expected without them. sophos enterprise console 5.2.1

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DEF Default distribution share reserved name SophosUpdate When creating an Update Manager distribution, you cannot reference new shares named SophosUpdate because "SophosUpdate" is a reserved share name used for the default share. In addition to this, you will need around MB - MB per endpoint product you are downloading from Sophos.

Enterprise Console upgrade will be prevented if you have a subscription to any of the labeled packages listed above. To work around this issue, do either of the following: Enterprise Console can now discover and protect Windows 8. Sophos strongly recommends that only one user be logged on to the server for the duration of the upgrade.

Enterprise Console

DEF Optional user-defined desktop messages are not displayed on computers running Windows 8. Email phishing test simulation and training. Missing patches data will appear in the Patch Assessment Event Viewer after entfrprise computers are assessed for missing patches during their next scheduled assessment.

sophos enterprise console 5.2.1

Note that this can be disabled if there are sopbos concerns over the data. The installer also attempts to install the following software unless already installed:.

If you want to install Sophos Update Manager on a computer other than the one where Enterprise Console is installed, you will 5.1 at least:. Once you unsubscribe from a fixed package, it will be permanently removed from the list of available packages. Download the product documentation at www.

Sophos Enterprise Console R2 release notes

In previous Enterprise Console releases, the share contained only the version of SUM shipped with the version of Enterprise Console that was originally installed. Sophos strongly recommends that only one user be logged on to the server for the duration of the upgrade. Complete web protection everywhere.

sophos enterprise console 5.2.1

This section lists changes in Sophos Enterprise Console 5. At the time of this release, Sophos Client Firewall is not supported and cannot be installed on Windows 8.

Sophos Enterprise Console release notes

The Software Subscription dialog box will no longer display fixed packages, nor any of the following labeled packages:.

Download the product documentation at www. New in this release This consple lists changes in Sophos Enterprise Console 5.

sophos enterprise console 5.2.1

The toolbar now includes a button that you can configure to open the Sophos Mobile Control management console. Known issues and limitations Installation. After the computers have been upgraded to Sophos Endpoint Security and Control If you 5.1 Microsoft SQL Server, R2, orthere is practically no limit apart from that set by the administrator.

Sophos Enterprise Console 5.2.1 release notes

All other product and ehterprise names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Other software requirements The installer also attempts to install the following software unless already installed: Type the FQDN path into the server location update path field.

WKI New file creation is blocked on monitored storage devices if data control rules use either the "block" or "allow transfer on acceptance by user" actions. A warning will be displayed if you have a subscription to a fixed package. The Software Subscription dialog wophos will no longer display fixed packages, nor any of the following labeled packages: Helping you to stay regulatory compliant.

This situation may arise where identically-named computers are situated on different domains or sub-domains. Pentium 4 or equivalent 1. Simple protection for a complex problem. Known issues and limitations Installation.

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